We invite you to visit the stand of Lux-X at the exhibition MTKT 2019
We invite all customers and friends of Lux-X Research and Production Enterprise, Ltd, to visit the company's stand at the "Furniture Technologies, Components, Textiles. MTKT 2019" exhibition being held from 27th February to 2th March 2019 at the International Exhibition Center in Kiev, Ukraine.
The MTKT exhibition is held within the Kiev International Furniture Forum (KIFF), the largest international exhibition of furniture and interior items in Ukraine.
At the exhibition MTKT 2019, the Lux-X Company will present a wide range of glues for woodworking and furniture production, including waterproof "Lux" D2 and D3 PVA adhesives of our own production.
Lux-X Research and Production Enterprise is the only one of its kind in Ukraine that has received an international certificate of compliance with Durability Class D3 according to DIN EN 204 for adhesive production.
This certificate confirms that when gluing wood, the "Lux" PVA Adhesive corresponds to the D3 Durability Class in accordance with EN 204: 2001 and all requirements of EPH certification for adhesive strength. The certificate was issued on the basis of test report No. 2617080 related to the samples in the "Entwicklungs- und Prüflabor Holztechnologie GmbH".
"Lux" PVA Adhesive is successfully used in leading woodworking and furniture enterprises due to its high quality and affordable Ukrainian prices.
Components that are glued together with "Lux" PVA are suitable for assembling furniture and interior construction including paneling, doors, windows, rungs and ladders made of wood or log materials. It is also possible to use “Lux” PVA adhesives in internal rooms that are exposed to short-term running or condensed water and/or long-term exposure to high humidity.
In addition to PVA adhesives, Lux-X will also present "BAM" trademarked hot melts for woodworking and furniture production, produced by the world leader in hot melt adhesive production, Beardow & Adams (Adhesives) Ltd (Great Britain), at the exhibition. "BAM" and "BAMFutura" hot melts have self-cleaning properties and have been specially designed in accordance with the stringent requirements of the timber industry.
The MTKT 2019 exhibition will be held from 27th February to 2th March 2019 in the International Exhibition Center (IEC), 15, Brovarskoy avenue, Levoberezhnaya Underground station, Kiev, Ukraine.
The Lux-X Research and Production Enterprise, Ltd stand will be located in pavilion No 3, stand No 3А 223.
By clicking on the link, you can download an electronic invitation card.
We are waiting for you at the Lux-X Research and Production Enterprise, Ltd stand!