Hot-Melt Labelling

Hot-Melt Labelling

Often, a consumer decides to purchase goods based on their appearance. The label is the face of the product; the buyer sees it even before learning of the product’s quality. The label provides the necessary product information; it creates brand recognition and establishes its individuality among many other possibilities. Therefore, it is very important that the label is firmly affixed to the package and it reaches the consumer in good condition. To do this you need a high-quality and reliable BeardowAdams trademarked labelling adhesive!

SPE «LUX-X» (LLC) offers labelling adhesives suitable for many materials that meet all the requirements for high-quality hot-melt adhesives. Our product is in great demand among the world's leading manufacturers and meets international quality standards.

BeardowAdams Hot-melt BAMTM for labelling and bonding various materials

SPE «LUX-X» (LLC) can provide you with hot melt, which is perfect for both paper and plastic labels. These labels can be glued on the surface of containers of different materials:

  • PET bottles, including cold and wet.
  • Glass and metal surfaces.
  • Containers with carbonated and non-carbonated drinks.

Hot-melts of BearowAdams are able to work with different types of labelling machines, which can glue up to 70,000 thousand bottles per hour. This allows us to use our product in large-scale factory production environments.

BAM hot melt adhesive labelling provides a strong attachment for a variety of bonded substrates that are used in production.

Properties of BAM™ labelling adhesive:

  • color - from transparent to amber;
  • excellent adhesion to different types of labels;
  • residual stickiness (PSA);
  • high resistance to environmental factors;
  • non-toxic;
  • does not cause damage to equipment parts during operation;
  • flow rate depends on the equipment, the quality of the label and packaging to be bonded and the application temperature.

Additional information

  • low glue application temperature;
  • label allows for expansion of PET containers;
  • adhesives are wrapped in a film that dissolves in labelling machines;
  • compliant with international standards.
Parameter Range
Viscosity (Brookfield) at 140°С, сPs 580-1500
Softening point (ring and ball method) °С 70-78
Operating temperature, °С 120-160
Application method nozzles, a glue shaft, a roller
Shelf life 36 months
Form of issue: granules, plates

Delivery of Labelling Hot-Melt adhesive

You can order the delivery of our products throughout Ukraine. Delivery when ordering from 10 kg.

To buy Labelling Hot-Melt adhesive

To buy English BeardowAdams Labelling Hot-Melt from the official distributor, SPE «LUX-X» (LLC), use the "Order" or "Hot line" buttons and our managers will contact you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What it is the minimal purchase volume? Can a product be bought by retail?

We are a wholesale-and-production company. But for your convenience, we process orders for adhesives starting from 10 kg.

How quick is delivery of a product?

A product is delivered to a Buyer within five days from the instance of receiving an order from the Buyer.

Is there delivery in Ukraine?

A product is delivered across the entire territory of Ukraine. Delivery can be included in the cost of the goods or paid by the Customer upon receipt in accordance with the tariffs of the carriers' service.

Do the products have a guarantee and certificates?

Lux-X LLC is certified to DSTU ISO 9001:2015 and has all the approval documentation for producing commercial adhesives. The quality guarantee is confirmed by quality certificates for each lot of produced and sold products, and by safety and health certificates.