LUX-X Birthday. We are 22 years old!

Today, on October 2, the company "LUX-X" turned 22 years old.

Congratulations to you, friendly team of employees, happy birthday and thank you for your invaluable contribution to the development and prosperity of our Company!

We thank all our Clients and Partners for being with us all these years. We wish you to let everything that seemed to us as a dream come true and bring further development and success!

Every year for our company is a new stage of development. SPE "LUX-X" becomes even more reliable, more confident and convenient for its customers. For us, this age has become an important date that allows us to summarize the results of previous years and outline ambitious plans for the future.

We can proudly say that in 22 years we have managed to achieve a lot: from a small manufacturing company we have become the largest manufacturer of adhesives - the leader of the Ukrainian market.

Today SPE “LUX-X” (LLC) produces more than 70 brands of adhesives for labelling, packaging, woodworking, printing and other areas of application, among which specialists of our company will help to choose the one that fits the requirements of your production and glued materials.

Dear employees, partners and clients, with your help the company grew and developed, thanks to you the company today turned 22 years old!