
What is food-safe adhesive?

What is food-safe adhesive?

Consumer safety is crucial in the production of packaging for food and beverages. In order to protect consumers and confirm high quality and safety of foods, food manufacturers must follow the recommendations of European Regulations 10/2011 and American FDA Regulations 175.105.

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What does PVAC stand for and what is it made of?
PVAcglue's drying rate for various surfaces

PVAcglue's drying rate for various surfaces

One may wonder, what is the drying time of PVAc glue? The drying time hinges on the quality of glue and the materials the product is made of. This article will be helpful in finding out the drying time of PVAc glue on various surfaces.

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Adhesives for the health sector

Adhesives for the health sector

The last months very challenging for all businesses, but particularly for those working in healthcare and in the supply of medical products. We are proud that our highly-effective adhesive solutions are being used worldwide for many applications to aid and support this industry in some small, but secure way – whether that is adhesives for PPE, packaging for medical supplies, or for the actual medical apparatus themselves (for example, medical air filters, ostomy care products or diabetes devices).

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